Promoter of exportable minerals from Bolivia is an independent company dedicated to the production of concentrates of all types of minerals and their derivatives with extensive experience in the commercialization of raw materials worldwide. We specialize in obtaining quality products, working with our clients in obtaining raw materials, providing logistic solutions and distribution of final products.
Our main objective is to lead the international market in the satisfaction of mineralogical requirements, maintaining the highest quality standards both in our products and in the personalized attention of our customers.
Our mission is to meet the needs and expectations of both our suppliers and our customers, meet the growing demand for products and services, help develop shipping logistics and provide the added value we give our products and services to our suppliers and customers. customers.
Our company promotes high ethical standards among our employees and we take care of people's well-being by offering equitable development opportunities for the benefit of all involved.
We buy minerals such as lead, silver, zinc, copper, high and low grade tin from the different mines.
We carry out the homogenization and quality control in chemical laboratories of high prestige.
After completing the quality control the mineral enters a process in flotation plants and metallurgical process where we obtain the concentrates.
The final product is loaded in a high capacity container for subsequent export to the international market.